Kindness might be one of the most important things we can teach children.
People underrate the value of being kind. But being empathetic and compassionate are valuable life skills. Luckily, children are born with an extra dash of sweetness. That means you can easily help them to be kind through learning activities, printables, games, and coloring pages.
Make Kindness Your Default
Kids are super observant, so the best way to help them cultivate kindness is by modeling it. But, sometimes, that can be tricky. So having some fun kindness artwork in your home or classroom can serve as a great reminder.
Coloring pages with kindness themes are a great way to help your kids create their own visual art to remind them what kindness looks like. It could be a smile, a kind word, or even accepting your mistakes. Kindness isn’t just something you offer others; it is also important for yourself.
Coloring also has fantastic benefits for kids, such as improved focus and reduced anxiety. Not to mention they will love having their colorful creations up in their space. Coloring, like kindness, makes you happier. So combining the two seems like a double dose of positive vibes.
Related: Addition Color by Number
Kindness Coloring Pages Your Kids Will Love
1. Make Kindness a Habit
Kindness is a muscle you can exercise. If you choose kindness often enough, it becomes a habit that you turn to without thinking about it. Teaching kids that they can train their brains to be kind is like telling them they have a superpower!
This coloring page has a sweet garden design with many elements for kids to engage with. They will love tracing the path of the bugs, which will help their developing motor skills.

2. Do Things with Kindness
You can incorporate acts of kindness into everyday moments. This printable reminds children they have a million opportunities to practice being kind. Kind acts also inspire others to be kind, so this is a creative way to teach kids that their kindness can spread.

3. Always Be Kind
‘Always Be Kind’ is a simple but powerful statement for children. As kids interact with each other, they will face situations where they have to choose the best way to behave. Having this friendly bear reminding them to choose kindness will go a long way in helping them create a kindness habit.
This kindness coloring page also includes fun shapes introducing vocabulary and counting elements.

4. Kindness is Beautiful
Kind people are happy people. That happiness radiates outwards and is beautiful to see. This is an important message that beauty comes from within. It also teaches children that they have power over their thoughts and feelings.
The detail in this free kindness coloring printable will keep older kids engaged. You could even spend some time looking at toucans in books or online, so they can see their colors.

5. Kindness Matters
This simple statement packs a punch and is a perfect mantra for a classroom. Being kind positively impacts others and can make someone’s day. This is a great reminder for parents and teachers because adults need a nudge in the right direction too.

6. Keep Calm and Kind
The shapes on this kindness coloring page immediately engage kids. Having such an impactful kindness quote adds to the appeal of this printable.
This statement is the perfect reminder for children to take a breath in a tense situation. It also teaches them the power of a pause. What an important life lesson that they can use as they grow.

7. Kindness Creates Happiness
This message helps kids understand the value of kind actions. Kindness not only makes other people happy but being kind makes you happy too.
Kindness creates certain emotions as the faces on this printable show. They make people feel happy, excited, positive, and friendly.

8. Grow with Love and Compassion
Not only does this printable introduce new vocabulary to students, but it beautifully illustrates how love and kindness can make things grow. Like rain nourishes plants and helps them bear fruit, love and compassion nurture friendships and produce more kind acts.
You could also introduce a counting element with this printable or ask the kids to use a specific color for the hearts.

9. Share a Smile
Did you know that smiles are contagious? Humans are designed to mimic expressions, so the simple act of smiling is an easy way to spread kind and happy vibes. This outer space-themed printable is sure to get a smile out of students. But you can also incorporate it into a fun activity.
Have students sit in a circle and smile at the person next to them. See if a smile is contagious enough to make it around the whole ring.

10. Be Nice and Kind
Being nice and kind are two different things; this free printable reminds kids to be both. Being nice is usually doing something pleasing or agreeable. Being kind is doing something helpful.
We want to encourage our kids to be kind and not only nice because kindness requires thoughtful and intentional action. Random acts of kindness activity would work well to explain this difference better.

11. Choose Kindness
This kindness coloring printable is great for fine motor skills development and reminds children that being kind is a choice. There is power in intentionally choosing kindness in a situation, and it is an important skill to foster in kids.

12. Be Kind
It really is that simple. This statement has such value, and you can turn it into a positive affirmation for your class or even at home.
Here are some examples:
- I can be kind
- I want to be kind
- I will try to be kind
- I choose to be kind

Kindness + Empathy = Happiness and Friendship
It’s pretty cool that we can teach kids a formula for happy and healthy friendships, and kindness is such a large part of that equation. Printable coloring pages are a fun way to make kindness reminders for your classroom or home.
If you are looking for more ways to encourage your kids to be kind, then these kindness activities might do the trick.