The letter A is one of the first letters kids learn and is almost always the first vowel they learn. Because it comes at the beginning of the alphabet, kids are often more familiar with it than other letters. Even younger preschoolers can typically pick out the letter A.
The short /a/ sound is distinct and is typically not confused with other vowels, unlike letter sounds such as short /i/ and /e/ which are often mixed up.
Free Printable Letter A Worksheets for Preschoolers
Alphabet worksheets are a great resource to help kids recognize and write the letter A. Be sure to use all these free printable worksheets to help your students get a solid introduction to the letter A.
Letter Recognition Worksheets
Before kids begin reading and writing, they must develop letter recognition skills and identify uppercase and lowercase letters. Most kids can identify all 26 letters by the time they enter kindergarten, making learning to read easier. Kids need plenty of letter exposure while in preschool and beyond.
These two printable activities help kids recognize and distinguish the letter A. The first worksheet is a do-a-dot activity and is perfect for kids who are not yet writing. The second lets kids find uppercase and lowercase Aa, among other letters.

Letter A Tracing Worksheets
Tracing is an essential step in learning to write. It allows kids to practice their fine motor skills, practice writing, and build up muscle memory. The first sheet gives students ample practice tracing the uppercase and lowercase letter A on dotted lines.
The second sheet lets kids practice tracing while building letter recognition as they find the letter A in a group of random letters.
Related: Number Tracing Worksheets
Letter A Coloring Pages
Kids can begin coloring as early as two years old. Coloring sheets are a fun, no-pressure method to begin letter recognition.
The first worksheet features a fun astronaut. Kids also see an example of letter formation and get a chance to trace uppercase and lowercase Aa.
The second worksheet is a color-by-letter printable of a playful ant. Preschoolers will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase Aa as they color.
Related: Printable Color by Number
Letter A Beginning Sounds Worksheet
As kids learn to recognize and write the letter A, they should also begin to learn its sounds. This worksheet introduces kids to the various sounds of A, including the long and short sounds and the r-controlled vowel sound. Kids also learn words that begin with A.

All-in-One Letter A Worksheet
The all-in-one letter A worksheet allows kids to put all of their knowledge into practice. They’ll trace the letter A, find the word that starts with A, and recognize the letter A when it’s combined with other letters. This sheet makes an excellent assessment or refresher.

Download All Letter A Worksheets
Letter A Activities
These free printable letter A worksheets fit nicely into a letter-learning curriculum. In addition to the worksheets, make sure students get plenty of hands-on exposure to the letter A. Kids can practice forming the letter A with popsicle sticks and play-doh. They can write it with their fingers in sand and shaving cream.
Your class can also read books featuring letter A words. There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer is a classic that can be read along with the do-a-dot sheet as it depicts an alligator. Students can also make a letter A alligator with a large A cutout, googly eyes, and cut-out teeth.
Writing and Recognizing Letters with Alphabet Worksheets
These letter A printables are part of our full alphabet worksheets featuring all 26 letters. You can get all the printables and make them an integral part of your reading and writing curriculum.